Anti-Hazing Policy
Statement of Position on Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities
Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity, Inc. states its position in support of higher education, inspirational programs and inserts a voice to the opposition to hazing and pre-initiation activities that do not contribute to the positive development and the welfare of membership intakes. Due to hazing and other pre-initiation not being rejected and done away with completely in membership intake activities, they remain a thorn to the well-being of the Fraternity System. We the members of Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity will not participate and/or condone any acts of hazing.
The Policy
Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity defines hazing as: Any action taken or situation created intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities and situations includes paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside the confines of the house. Wearing publicly apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and buffoonery. Morally degrading or humiliating games and activities, late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities and other activities which are not consistent with the fraternal law, ritual or any policy of any local state or federal law is hazing.
Hazing is forbidden by the National Organizations Constitution and by public: laws of various States.
Furthermore; chapters are required to follow the Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity, Inc. Guide to Membership Intake.